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Why are some leftists so opposed to travelmnaxxing?
It literally enrages them to a level usually only reserved for nazis.


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By leftists you means Western leftists which are all liberals using socialism as a rebellious identity against their boomer parents.
If you talked to a socialist in one of these countries passport bros are going to they might not love the idea but they aren't going to see it as this intolerable exploitation since they know how genuinely patriarchal their homelands are.


Never heard of "travelmaxxing" but based on your screen-shot it seems to mean taking advantage of desperate people. That's a shitty thing to do, tho a far cry from Nazism.


That's basically what it is, it's incel terminology. To give you an idea, it's usually in places like Thailand or Filipinos, dubbed "Tutorial Island".
If OP wants to exploit vulnerable women, I'm sure he can stick to the underage girls in his fbi.gov server


>By leftists you mean people who call themselves leftists – but they aren't real leftists because only I get to decide who are really leftists
T. A western leftist


>He didn't rebut my point.
t. LARPing Western leftist.


This is just racism plain and simple. Poor women from the 3rd world have every bit the ability to judge a potential mate as western women do.
Western women never accuse other Western women of marrying out of desperation when they marry a rich man. Somehow that's because western women are enlightened while dirty brown women are not.


How is marrying someone and dedicating your life to them and bring them a better quality of life taking advantage of them.
You're just another colonialist burger that see 3rd women as beneath western women.


>This is just racism plain and simple.
I don't see how that post is racist.

>Poor women from the 3rd world have every bit the ability to judge a potential mate as western women do.

>Western women never accuse other Western women of marrying out of desperation when they marry a rich man.
Pretty much every women everywhere that married a rich guy, gets accused of doing it for the money, and most of the time it's true. The bourgeoisie probably does to some degree cause poverty on purpose toward that end. I'm pretty sure that western women are racist too but that doesn't mean they aren't antagonizing each other.


>Pretty much every women everywhere that married a rich guy, gets accused of doing it for the money,
Not by women. And people don't pillory the rich guy for taking advantage of her desperation and accuse him being some evil monster. Hell rich men are encouraged to date down, do you know how many movies are about just that?


>The bourgeoisie probably does to some degree cause poverty on purpose toward that end.
People who marry foreign nationals ate not booj. Yeah your nonsense is just pure colonialist racism. Not every 3rd world county is a famine stricken sub Sahara collapsed state.
And you're kidding yourself if you think money isn't a consideration in every marriage.
It's funny how you and >>2565 think you are so morally righteous are so morally righteous even though by your own admission your leaving these women to rot in some backwards hell hole just so some mab you think is unworthy of love doesn't have a partner.
Even if everything you said was true, so what. It's their decision to sacrifice some of their autonomy if they think it's worth it.
But of course if you just chatted with some foreign national couples you'll find that they did fall in love.
You're really just a liberal trying to keep 3rd world women locked i n poverty.


*some man you think


>Not by women.
Not in a official way, but consider the old saying
<Men dunk on other men, but they don't really mean it.
<Women support other women, but they don't really mean it either.
Women will only attack the social reputation of other women when they can talk off the record, but then it's brutal.

>And people don't pillory the rich guy for taking advantage

You are right about that, at least in the artificially generated culture bubble that capitalism creates. Outside of that, i'm not so sure, porkies very rarely mingle with the masses.


>Not in a official way, but consider the old saying
You gotta be kidding. Marrying a rich guy is one of the most archetypical aspirations of Western Women. There's countless movies and social media discourse on it.


>People who marry foreign nationals ate not booj
I don't know why you interpreted it that way. The bourgeoisie causes poverty on purpose, mostly for economic reasons but some of the motivation is because they want to make their riches give them an advantage in dating.

>Yeah your nonsense is just pure colonialist racism. Not every 3rd world county is a famine stricken sub Sahara collapsed state.

<when nobody said nor implied that.
The chaos in Haiti was because Haiti is a pseudo colony of the US.

>Even if everything you said was true, so what. It's their decision to sacrifice some of their autonomy if they think it's worth it.

This sounds like you are talking about how people cope with living under capitalism, right ? Why would you ever grant capitalism that ideological concession ? Precarious living conditions are a form of mass violence and mass murder. There is a form of barbaric political extremism that tries to justify the existence of poverty and economic precarity.

>But of course if you just chatted with some foreign national couples you'll find that they did fall in love.

I really don't care about nationalities of couples, you're the one that's trying to bring this up. I think the only real dimension in politics and societal conflict is class struggle, everything else is just a side effect of that.

>You're really just a liberal trying to keep 3rd world women locked i n poverty.

If you think that poverty in the 3rd world can be solved via mail-order brides, instead of ending imperialism and implementing comprehensive regional industrial development, you're the one with the liberal ideology glasses.

Maybe you are misunderstanding my motives, i'm really only interested in fighting against the cultural aspect that benefits wealthy capitalists. I really don't mind if you personally have a mail-order-bride, you have my blessing on the off chance you are seeking that. Politics is structural and it's never personal.


>There's countless movies and social media discourse on it.
I highly doubt that entertainment or social media can be considered an accurate reflection of society.


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>but some of the motivation is because they want to make their riches give them an advantage in dating.
Most booj don't marry poor women.
<when nobody said nor implied that.
You most certainly do when you say that 3rd world women only marry men out of desperation. You do realize that there's middle classes in 3rd world countries and that many women aren't all that desperate?
>This sounds like you are talking about how people cope with living under capitalism, right ?
How the fuck is not wanting to be poor a "ideological concession" of capitalism. This is like not wanting to die being an "ideological concession" to death. You're some sheltered suburbanite burger that's never been touched by poverty.
>I really don't care about nationalities of couples, you're the one that's trying to bring this up
We're talking about men that marry foreign nationals. If you don't want to talk about it then shut up. You know damned well if you talked to even a few of the couples you demonize you'd find that the reality of why they wed is much different than what you say.
>If you think that poverty in the 3rd world can be solved via mail-order brides,
I'm not a liberal. I don't feel any moral obligation to solving poverty. What I am is a materialist. And if a 3rd world woman were to follow you colonialist morality about not marrying up would they not remain in poverty. It's a yes or no question.


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Anyone here got any actual experience travelmaxxing, I'm curious.


I lived in Germany for several years. It was waaaaaaaay easier to date and hook up there. Prostitution is legal there so even if you somehow can't get anywhere, you can get a blowjob for like 50 Euros.


Is that just because German girls are more slutty though?


It's because prostitution is legal, so they don't have GPS (Golden Pussy Syndrome).
They know you don't have to put up with their games so they don't play them.


I have thought about travelling Europe both as a life experience and a way to lose my v-card. Would you recommend?


Sure, if you just want to lose your virginity you can fly to a place were prostitution is legal like Germany.
It's a hustle, so you're going to have to be assertive if you want your first experience to be good. Don't just let them hustle you into any old broad.
You can go to Latin America too but that requires a little more carefulness.


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>I don't feel any obligation to solving poverty

Forcing people into poverty has the effect of lowing the overall economic performance of an economy. From a materialist perspective that's a dumb thing to do.




Yes, they call them Christmas cakes in Japan. Because no one wants them after the 25th.


>they call them Christmas cakes on East Pedo Island


Pedophilia ratez in Japan are half of what they are in the West. Like most Westerners you're more interested in virtue signalling than actually protecting children.



>Conclusion: In contrast to a lower prevalence of penetrative CSA, the prevalence of contact CSA among Japanese females may be comparable or higher in relation to international estimates. Future research on children's perceptions of and exposure to sexual abuse, crime and exploitation in Japan is discussed.


This is a meta study, which there is a lot of issues with. The study itself even says that many of the studies they looked at had ill denied definitions of abuse. So your study's findings are very weak.
Even taken at face value simply petting a kid instead of butt fucking them is far less traumatic so my point still stands.

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