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Well Gentlemen?


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>Don't stare at me at the gym. Stare at my TikTok instead.
Imagine thinking women deserve any more rights than children


Imagine thinking "rights" matter


>you want women you have to go to the gym and get built

>Ew you looked at my ass for 5 seconds and you aren't a 7foot giga chad? HELP POLICE!

It's such bullshit, like, I am a guy and sorry I am genetically inclined to seek out a mate and women walk around in these revealing clothes. I don't glare,I try not to glare but fuck I am sorry. I haven't been with a women in forever and i'm thirsty. It's legit not fair.I would legit just say fuck it and glare at these bitches if it wouldn't mean my gym membership would get revoked.


Not to mention, women-only gyms exist in most major cities. Try starting a men's only gym and watch the lawsuits comes flying


She's just doing social media attention seeking behavior, if you rage about this, it generates attention points, like some kind of reward. It means more attention seekers will copy it.


>'Weaponize your attention.'
Another Tate enjoyer, I see


preach brother


No, this time the woman was forced to close her account on Tik Tok after so much blowback.


Listen here, faggots. Do not worry about this. It likely isn't going to happen to you, and second of all, most of these women get roasted on social media for their retardation.
>muh underage 21 year old
Don't worry about it. Yes, I do look at tits and asses at the gym and I'm not ashamed of it. It's in public. If you don't want to be seen, work out at home. No, I won't be hitting on women at the gym. That shit is gay. If I have any interactions at the gym, it's usually chatting it up with the bros, being a fucking animal, and going somewhere where it is socially acceptable to hit up women. This too will pass. Some women are straight up crazy, but they will still fuck you if you look good and aren't a sperg, so lift those weights and fuck anyone trying to get in the way of your gains.


>Tate enjoyer
i never heard of that expression
i would agree with this analysis about the attention economy but i would not see the conflict between men and women, but rather between users and attention-economy capitalists.

>No, this time the woman was forced to close her account on Tik Tok after so much blowback.
If you think this is some kind of win, you have terminal culture-war-brain.
From our vantage point, that woman in the gym made mindless content that was degrading to other people, and she faced social reprisals for it.

However from the perspective of communicative-capital (to quote Jody Dean), what happened here is something different, the system is dialing in how much it can irritate people with negative stimulation to get attention and clicks. And every time it gets a rise out of people it, learns how to better emotionally manipulate people.

We can't count it a win until attention is directed towards people that make good content.
A small win would have been if people just ignored her. And looked at something else that is beneficial, maybe somebody explaining how to operate gym resistance training devices.
A big win would be if people got interested in host your own social media stuff to avoid having their brain algorithmed.


>Not hitting on women at the gym.



Enjoyer getting fired and maybe arrested.


it's wild that women convinced society that looking at someone for 5 seconds is more fetishistic than going around all day wearing skimpy rags in public


I'm not interested in women at the gym.



I always thought is was dorky when dudes would ask for advice about approaching women at them gym. Bruh, just work out then talk to people outside, at a cafe, online, etc.

Can't stand when people muck up the gym either by turning it into a social gathering or (worse) sitting on their phone at a workout station


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>woman with a saggy ass and a figure like a fridge thinks men are leering at her.
Why is it always these types of women that are the most shrill about these types of things.




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sex offender registry. all of them.


There are people who like to make everybody around them walk an eggshells.

They don't care what the specific excuse is for doing that. If it was socially acceptable to stare at other people, they would simply go for another excuse.

So don't fixate on the surface phenomenon, or else they will just switch out the routine. You have to call them out on what they are really doing.


>guy clearly has issues with communicating with people of vagina due to some non-recognized psychological trauma
>sexual narcissists start to rage over this gawddamn subhuman daring not to talk with them normally
"creating a hostile work environment", right.


>going to the gym at all
I don't like people, why would I pay a monthly subscription to interact with them? Rather just do pushups at home


There's value in having a 'one area/one activity' set up. Your mind is easy primed to work out hard if you have a specific space for it, even if it a garage or rooftop. People who 'just to push ups in their room' and actually stick with it and do enough reps to get fit are few and far between. Moreover, pushups alone aren't that great for aesthetics. You really need to mix it with other push exercises to fill out your chest, shoulders, and arms.


Imagine how much of a bitch she must have felt like


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Thoughts on pic rel?


Several questions arise:
Why aren't women compensating by initiating more contact if they feel isolated ?
Why did men play along ?

I feel like there's a missing factor.


Society has gotten worse as women got more power. The ancient Greeks knew this and hence mocked the idea, even writing satirical plays where young men were forced to bang 30 something liberated roasties.
>Inb4 leftoid polisimp hamstering

There is a deeper political consequence here.

>Iatrogenic effect

That is, in attempting to solve one problem - women's rights - a whole host of other major problems are created. Extrapolate that to politics and political economy writ large as you will


Society has mostly gotten worse because the capitalist class got more power relative to the workers. Social malaise tracks wealth inequality. You can't really ignore that part of the story.


You have a narrow scope. Capitalism has been around longer and is more widespread that female consumer hr manager empowerment. Perhaps the latter is result of the former.


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>female hr manager empowerment
that's exactly why I think we're living in a matriarchal capitalist dystopia - never seen a male hr

when the jannies of capital are all w*men, even if you're the simplest simp on this earth you will start to ask questions..


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Who HRs the HR?


One of my theories is that women are lagging behind their feminism, so they generally haven't learned to initiate, instead staying passive.

I don't know though.


It's no mystery lmao women can also be denounced for on the job harassment! Possibly men are less likely to make a complaint but it does happen! I've been hit on a few times and asked if I was dtf by a female employer anyway tho and I didn't report it lol she was not bad


>I don't know though.


You can correct me if I'm wrong


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>women can also be denounced for on the job harassment!
bluepillers are absolute retards lol


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nobody is "lagging" behind their feminism
there is nothing to be "learned" for w*men

feminism means w*men don't need to make any effort

feminism doesn't mean w*men have to act like men, it doesn't mean w*men have to take male roles lol

you absolute bluepilled dunces lol


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take the blackpill


>learn about (…) female nature
if this is the case, why do things like trying to orbit them, as seen at >>694 ?
>how to LDAR in style
>how to cope knowing it's over
how do you reconcile these with leftism and revolution?


>but it's too depressing
life in general is

>I just wanna cope

you can begin to truly cope only after you have embraced the blackpill


>why do things like trying to orbit them
no blackpiller does such things

>how do you reconcile these with leftism and revolution?

leftism is about class
now that w*men get better jobs than men, class again becomes disproportionally a male issue

>and revolution?

what about it?
revolutions happen when elites fuck up, ie difference between japan and germany vs other feudal shitholes with retarded elites

it has nothing to do with blackpill


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If you want to see what a truly blackpill cope looks like, look no further than jap doujin scene in the 80-90s.
Otaku panic was a historical precursor to the current incel panic.


>You have a narrow scope
Not really capitalism has infiltrated all aspects of life so you always have to consider the effects of capitalism.
Like if you stub your big toe on the coffee table, you have to consider that if you lived in a classless society, you likely would be less stressed and have more presence of mind for your environment, and hence be less likely to have mindlessly jammed your foot into the coffee table leg.

>female hr manager are the problem
I think that the very concept of Human Resources is ghastly. Just look at their choice of words, humans as a resource, like a mineral that is mined out of a mountain. The sheer linguistic brutality is conveying an utter disdain for humanity, a resource is lower on the social hierarchy than pets or livestock. If you are trying to debate whether or not it's better to have men or women do this job, you sort of are missing the bigger picture of whether or not this institution needs to exist in the first place. HR-departments was something that corporations invented, maybe we ought to re-examine weather or not that's really something we should keep around.


>Dunning Kruger syndrome
>Slave morality
>Claiming to know everything about the world from the safety of their bugerutopia shithole
This post encapsulates everything the modern left stands for

>If you stub your toe it's capitalism's fault

Niger, what are you on?

I think the drugs have started to permanent inhibit your motor skills as well as cognitive abilities. The last time I stubbed a toes was while doing combat sports. I really pity whatever the fuck your life must be like


>Like if you stub your big toe on the coffee table, you have to consider that if you lived in a classless society
this is ridiculous..

>Just look at their choice of words, humans as a resource, like a mineral that is mined out of a mountain.

it's not about words, idpolfag
it's about objective reality outside of the human mind

they could've named it Human Feces, and it wouldn't have made a difference

>The sheer linguistic brutality

is not a thing, idpoller

>If you are trying to debate whether or not it's better to have men or women do this job, you sort of are missing the bigger picture of whether or not this institution needs to exist in the first place.

Seeing as it existed in the USSR (kadrovik), apparently it needs to exist. U can't just take anyone from the street without all the paperwork n shit.

And obviously it needs some men, because it is used in witch hunting "harassment" campaigns targeting male employees.


But the 80-90s is when their economy started to get messed up and the start of now three Lost Decades, wouldn't you say that material conditions influenced the rise of that phenomena?


I'm not interested in your insults. Because even in the most generous interpretation they represent criticisms without supporting arguments.

>If you stub your toe it's capitalism's fault
>Niger, what are you on?
<Like if you stub your big toe on the coffee table, you have to consider that if you lived in a classless society
>this is ridiculous..

This is supposed to be ideological struggle.

Capitalism has build a system that only works for about 10% of the population. And in order to ideologically justify this abomination. You have a massive ideological propaganda complex that tries to blame all the systemic malfunctions on the individual person.

To combat this assault on the individual I'm inverting this. For that reason you take the position that everything bad that happens to you as an individual is by default considered to be caused by capitalism, unless you can prove that it's the fault of the individual person. Basically i'm trying to bring back an ideological assumption of innocence for the individual.

The example with the stubbed toe on the coffee table, is a deliberately chosen ideological thought-schema.
It's not only about blame but also about justification for control.

The capitalist system is attacking the individual's ability to control their lives. In order to justify this it's setting traps that are supposed to make people fail. To create negative experiences that make people feel uncertain about their ability to take control over their environment. It's class-war in the psychological realm.

If you stub your toe, you are not supposed to think that you're to stupid to control your own feet, you are supposed to ask your self whether or not capitalism as an external force was responsible for your failure of control. I don't really care what answer you choose, just that you consider the possibility that capitalism took away control from you. And you are supposed to consider this for even insignificant everyday actions, because capitalism is trying to nudge individuals through tiny insignificant everyday nudges.


These allies turned them into fags as punishment for being too based up through WW2


Niger, your 'ideological struggle' is the fantasy world you've created into your terminal high brain


>Basically i'm trying to bring back an ideological assumption of innocence for the individual.

The naive, wishful thinking of a faggot

Makes sense now


>wouldn't you say that material conditions influenced the rise of that phenomena?
of course
only it was more related to the consequences of rapid post ww2 economic and corresponding social change, including position of w*men in a society

japan didn't enter economic crisis until the end of the 80s, while the undercurrents of social change were already there in the 70s

or in one word: modernization


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>for being too based up through WW2
nah, japs through WW2 were absolute cucks - suiciding for the emperor, kidnapping teenage women into military brothels, keeping Yamato in the docks all war doing nothing

japs after ww2, on the other hand, and until recently, were absolutely fucking based
the anti-militarist protests were absolutely mind blowing

but this is all a thing of the past, now, after the decades of stagnant economy, japan is gradually slipping back into its nazoid retardation - with a corresponding cultural degradation in hand


You seem to have the definition of based backwards
>Muh, don't die for a cause. Just consooom and play vidya


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what cause lol? nazoid cause is no cause

what have your nazoid militarism ever achieved? NOTHING.

what have jap post war anti-militarist movement ever achieved? ABSOLUTE CULTURAL DOMINATION.


>the names of institutions don't matter
Of course they do, descriptions of institutions are supposed to tell you what it is.
"HR-department" is an utterly useless description from the perspective of the workers.
It's perhaps useful to capitalists, but socialists want things to have names that are useful for the workers.
This too is ideological struggle.

>only the idpolfag fights language battles

They certainly do fight a lot of language battles, but that doesn't mean that we should cede that terrain to them without a fight.

>Seeing as it existed in the USSR (kadrovik), apparently it needs to exist. U can't just take anyone from the street without all the paperwork n shit.

>And obviously it needs some men, because it is used in witch hunting "harassment" campaigns targeting male employees.
Well the managerial strata, the intellectual and technical intelligentsia ended up betraying the workers when they went along with the dissolution of the USSR. So I'm failing to see why this is supposed to be such a good institution from a socialist perspective ?

If the "HR institution" is responsible for harassment campaigns isn't that another reason to reduce it's power. If you try to solve all problems with staffing institutions with better people, you'll eventually run out of virtuous people that won't abuse their power. You have to achieve as much as possible by structural design that strongly dis-incentivizes abuse by default.

If you want to implement quotas for balancing the sex-ratios in all workplaces, that's something where you agree with the liberals, I feel rather skeptical about that.
Traditionally we had division of labor where brute force strength tasks was male-dominated and dexterity tasks were female dominated, but advanced technological tools are making this increasingly irrelevant. However there could be a sexed difference in preference for tasks, if we just blindly bulldoze 50:50 sex-ratios for all tasks, we end up having a lot of unnecessary job-dissatisfaction. I think this is misguided, we just want to have 50:50 distribution of social power. If we absolutely must have the Heitch-Arrr institutions and it's filling up with mostly one sex, we'd be better off just decreasing the power of that institutions until 50:50 distribution of social power is achieved instead of trying to make a bunch of more people miserable by forcing them to do work they hate.

I'm also opposed to having paperwork as the sole determination for competency. If we consider for a moment the entire group of talented competent people, only half are attracted to the academic career ladder with fancy titles, formal rituals and what not. The other half is utterly repulsed by this. And for that reason we need to have another mechanism to find and position these people. I'm thinking that some kind of informal system where people vouch for others is a good way to do that. I don't know how to call this, maybe an "honor system" ?

Socialism is supposed to have full employment, so we will hire absolutely everybody. That also means just hiring people from the street. I'm not saying that the paperwork route should not exist but making it mandatory is really stupid. About half the population really hates it with a passion. I think it will be help-full if we invert the logic of grating workers, and instead grate the working assignments. So the logic is going to become about tailoring working environments to match it to the abilities of the population.

Capitalism has deskilled a lot of workplaces and degraded a lot of people. So at the point in time where the socialist system takes over, we have to engage in realistically shaping the economy for the actually existing population. The socialist system will over time undoo the destructive influence that capitalism had on people, and as more people are allowed to fully self-realize, the workplaces will become tailored to the heightened abilities of socialist citizens.


>ideological struggle is fantasy
>ideological struggle is wishful thinking

Capitalism is a predator that cloaks it's attacks with ideology, if you don't wage ideological struggle, how are you supposed to detect when the predator attacks ?


this is dogmoid speak

not everything is about ideology
dog barking is not about ideology


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also, imagine being a militarist cuck in the age of fucking drones, artillery, rockets, mines, and nukes
imagine being enthusiastic at the prospect of groveling before some faggot officer



>Weak aphorism


take a break


>not everything is about ideology
but not for lack of trying, after the rise of neo-liberalism capitalists tried to inject ideology into everything.
>dog barking is not about ideology
Capitalism forces many people to work way too many hours and as a result, many dogs are lonely pets, that bark into the void out of desperation.

>Weak aphorism
<An aphorism is a saying that concisely expresses a moral principle or an observation about the world, presenting it as a general or universal truth
Nope i don't see it.


>Capitalism forces many people to work way too many hours and as a result, many dogs are lonely pets, that bark into the void out of desperation.
or maybe they bark because it's just what dogs tend to do…

occam's razor

or if we go your route, they bark into the void because they understand the futility of their existence - being an emotional tampon for some pathetic lonely w*man


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India superpower but unironically.
Arranged marriage is why India recently surpassed China as world's #1 most populous country.
It's also why India will continue to grow in population while the rest of the world except for sub-Saharan Africa follows the example of Japan in below-replacement level population collapse. Countries without arranged marriage also will deal with beta uprising which is all but locked in with the way so many excess young men are locked out of the hypergamy/Chad-only sexual free market. Excess, angry young men with no real outlet for sex and families of their own having to watch Chad harems get more and more ridiculously big is the recipe that historically creates civil wars.


It's a spiral in a way too because in arranged marriages the time and energy (literal years or even decades) from reaching age of consent/age of majority onward that men and women would otherwise spend in dating/courting/hooking up in the sexual free market of love marriages is instead spent having children and starting to raise them and build stable families. Younger parents on both sides, younger mother + younger father, in arranged marriages means higher fertility but also healthier sperm and egg which = healthier babies. Positive spiral for children.

In love marriages, it's a lot more single moms (unstable home life) or older moms (more health problems in babies). So it's negative spiral.


>Countries without arranged marriage also will deal with beta uprising which is all but locked in with the way so many excess young men are locked out of the hypergamy/Chad-only sexual free market. Excess, angry young men with no real outlet for sex and families of their own having to watch Chad harems get more and more ridiculously big is the recipe that historically creates civil wars.
So accelerationism works? Also if angry young men are the lower class in this scenario, what are women? What about peasant (depending on the country) and working class women?


Idk but I'm now considering learning Hindi to become a passport bro in India


India already is a super-power, they have a lot of economic power with a sizeable military that wields a nuclear deterrent. However it's not on track of becoming THE superpower. It's likely that once the US empire has faded out that there will be no next successor-hegemon.

India also is not going to rise above China, it's cast legacy is suffocating it's potential. China is in fact pulling ahead of India increasingly faster, because of China's successful poverty reduction programs.

China is creating an enormous population subgroup that can fully realize their talents without getting bogged down by poverty concerns. In India the population subgroup that can fully realize their talents is much smaller, even if the overall population is larger.


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Imagine going to a gym instead of getting good at a martial art or getting a side job that requires heavy lifting. Bourgeois creating a problem for themselves.


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CCPee cope

have fun dealing with the consequences of that one child policy and 3 to 1 male to female ratio, ching-chong

China is next on the chopping block, nothing lasts forever ching-chong.


>getting a side job that requires heavy lifting.
I can tell you have never lifted in your life fag


Canadian Centre for Philanthropy ?

>the consequences of that one child policy

like for example more bargain power for labor ?
structural pressure for higher investment into labor productivity enhancing technology ?

>3 to 1 male to female ratio

That's only real in your head

>China is next on the chopping block, nothing lasts forever

this is imperial cope


The assumption is that one would already have a sedentary main job if they were going to consider going to the gym.


Going to the gym ans getting good at martial arts go hand and hand.


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Wow wtf, I wrote that just as an off-the-cuff response to >>2381 and yet as if by coincidence (or synchronicity??) the feature story in Foreign Affairs 2 days ago just happened to be on India's rise as a great power:
>The Upside of Rivalry
>India’s Great-Power Opportunity
Am I some kind of "seer, "clairvoyant"? Dare I say "prophet"? Perhaps Foreign Affairs should offer me a cushy mid-6 figures think tank job so I can finally ascend via wealth/statusmaxxing in the West. Or live like a king as a passport bro in LatAm/SEA/India..


>Am I some kind of prophet
No prophesy here, India's population growth, won't help them because the Indian population isn't being lifted out of poverty. They will have a large mass of low wage workers and that means Indian capitalists will not invest in productivity enhancing technology. India can't become a big power without wage-growth stimulating the tech base.


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>Gyms in 2023


kek, is this OC?


wait, there's a watermark
who tf watermarks their memes? imagine being such an egotistical fag

my enjoyment of this meme is now ruined


Dengoid cope.

Just wait and see how production shifts to India now that labor costs in China are rising.


>India can't become a big power without wage-growth stimulating the tech base.
How did China become "big power" Gods I hate this nazoid speak then, multipolaroid?

India is already becoming a "big power". It's not even "if" anymore.


>How did China become "big power"
The industrial foundation were build during the Mao era, with some help from the Soviets. During the Maoist period there was also modernization of society. For example backwards social practices like foot-binding was rooted out. They also did literacy programs and much more. During the Deng era the communist party traded surplus from Chinese workers for advanced technology and productive forces with western capitalists. And during the Xi era China has begun a massive expansion of Chinese domestic technology development.

India never had social modernization, they still have socially backward practices from their cast system. They did not have dedicated industrial base builders, they never put much focus on means of production or domestic technology expansion. That's why India is only a regular power.

India and China were at a similar level of development at the beginning of the 20th century. But then they diverged because India had a bourgeois revolution while China had a communist revolution. And the communists were much better at development, that's why China overtook India and it's also why China is still increasing it's lead.

>Gods I hate this nazoid speak

I'm supposed to insult you back, but i can't be bothered, just pretend that i did.


more than one Polaroid picture ?

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