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File: 1608528166984.png (762.64 KB, 1159x486, Screenshot_2020-03-30 Ahor….png)


It's been 12 years.


It's the same fucking game I was playing 12 years ago but with slightly better graphics.


Still waiting for my obligatory Japanese, LoTR and Warhammer mods.


is there a communist/anarchist mod?


The game plays in high feudalism. How the fuck is that supposed to look like? The most progressive thing you'd get would be free cities and merchants.


Maybe huge peasant uprising or anprim gangs that Balkanize the kingdoms and create separate communes.


Who wants to be a filthy utopian socialist feudal anarchist?


I mean a society like that is not inherently anti-technology at all and maybe they could transit to an industrial revolution of sorts with the proletariat owning the MoP from the start through innovation in agriculture.


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