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I'm currently replaying Fallout 4 in survival difficulty with a fuckton of mods and I got to say it's pretty fun, I also learnt to enjoy more what stories are told by the environment even if the actual writing is still awful.

But recently I discovered this
So what the fuck is up here, we are meant be the leader of the minutemen (out of nowhere) in a game clearly made up of 50' and 60' references, there's no way the creators did not know about this (or is there? I mean the plot is retarded). Does Preston even know he's black??

Anyway I was building homes and infrastructures for the working men and women of the commonwealth but now I don't know what to think. Am I the bad guy? There's not even an anarchist faction similar to the followers of the apocalypse I could go with in this game. Should I just become a raider and wait for Caesar to rebuild the productive forces?
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I guess this is the fallout general now

I am playing a heavily modded version of Fallout:DUST after a fun playthrough of the successor prequel mod on Fallout 4 (confusing, I know) in Fallout:FROST. Doing an NCR deserter, and he has gone from a (fairly) badass looking trooper to having his own custom (and slightly defaced) ranger armor.


Tbh given everything we see of the minutemen there’s a near 100% chance that the intent was for the MM to be LARPers of the original Minutemen of the Revolutionary War.
The first place we meet them is literally a broken down memorial to the war…


well there would not really be a revolutionary war to fight, unless they would want to rewrite the institute from what they did in Fallout 3 or rewrite the BoS to be psuedo-Redcoats (which would both be retarded, and early concept art shows a lot of the BoS and Minutememes fighting together, so it would have probably been the institute if anything). I think the Minutemen as a title was more just a way to reinforce how the remains of the US still has enough ideological sway to influence how the post-war people feel about themselves and identify by, in the same way the New California Republic is. In fact really the only factions to ever really form a unique identity largely divergent from the ideas of America are the Followers of the Apocalypse and the BoS (and also Caesar's Legion but they copied Rome so it doesn't count).


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Not the comrade you're replying to but the based realpolitik chaos ending is helping the NCR at first. Seeing how the NCR deals with dissidents. The counterattack on the prison, the treatment of westside, war crimes against the Khans etc and then honoring the truce with the Legion once you hit the strip. Go see what Caesar has to say, fix their howitzer and leave once you upgrade the robots. He'll ask you to kill House. Humor him and leave to grab Boone. Come back to the fort, go in guns blazing a kill Caesar. Go back to the Strip and kill House anyways to lowkey install Yes Man. Help the NCR after to an extent. Peacefully resolve tensions in Freeside. We don't need more good proles dead over diplomatic bullshit. Lie to Moore and get the Omertas the best chlorine caps can buy. Get them to resume business with Mick to get illegal weapons flowing into the Strip. When the time comes they'll fuck up the closet cannibals, the bossless Chairmen and the NCR embassy in one swoop. At this point the NCR glowies will tell you to dispose of the BoS but that's up to you. You can have them for an alliance but it dissolves. Enclave? They're remnants so up to you who they support. At this point foil the Legion's assassination attempt on Kimball and then kill him yourself. Congratulations you are a anarchist, communist and a traitor to the western states of the wasteland. The Kings are likely to defend inner Vegas and the wannabe mobster Omertas are pushovers with the people's robotic muscle. Useful idiots, drug addicts and statists are no match for a handloaded .45-70. The only friends you can trust in the Mojave is a big iron and the cigarette on your lip.


I'm playing Fallout 4 for the first time now and it's kinda dull. Hate the talking protagonist.

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A thread for the discussion of roguelike games, specifically centered around indie/open source roguelikes but more mainline rogue-lites are alright here too.

Pastebins shamelessly taken from 4chan's /vg/ -



>What to Play


>Individual Game Pastas



06 Feb 2020 - Stoneshard released - https://steamcommunity.com/games/625960/announcements/detail/1698356489974284013 (warning from anon: bad game)
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it's got a super good setting and fun little touches, but gameplay can be super underwhelming and it always feels super janky down to its very bones.
also it's >not free
so it's really hard for me to recommend it to anyone.


thanks mods for finally moving this thread
anyone still hesitant about Caves of Qud should see this review on it
if this won't sell you on it, its probably not a game you would like.


what is the DF tileset in OP?


That's the one being made for the steam version of the game.



new guide for starting up in CDDA in the default start

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Seriously, I made an unarmed khajiit adept in theft and other based shit.
I did a bunch of theifs guild shit and did a bunch of fighters guild shit. I can finally kill enemies and I was finally feeling happy. I went to this cave near caldera that had a bunch of Dedra worshipers in it, I guess cause there was some random book of dedra in there. I made it to level 8 and I walk outside and I am immediantly bombsarded by a fucking clif rider and two fucking alits and now I am stuck in this fucking gay ass cave and have no idea what to do now. I tried running and I finally was making it back into a fucking city AND THEN THE FUCKING GAME CRASHED ==WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MORROWIND? HOW THE FUCK DID ANYONE EVER PLACE THIS GOD DAMN SHIT!? I am fucking pissed beyond all belieF!!!

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Is it? I found Skyrim ridiculously easy and brainless.


On that note of the game crashing, what is the most unstable game you've ever played, /games/?
It's probably KotoR 2 for me:
Every door loading screen in the first city (the terraforming station) has a 40% chance to crash you.
Every cinematic (which get scaled down to like 200x400p) has a 50% chance to crash you.
Every time you use space travel its like 90% chance to crash you.

Also KotoR 1 also deserves a shout out, as the string of different cinematics after Bastila bossfight each have a huge fucking chance to crash, meaning you have to do the boss 10 times.


Actually, now that I think about it, it was that bad on Windows 7. I dread to think what it would be like on 10.


Morrowind isn't particularly difficult, it's just you. I could play through it without problems and I'm legit retarded when it comes to games that aren't turnbased.


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Oblivion was comfy

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Can this game be considered based?
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The game or the /v/ guy's comment?


The /v/ guy's comment. I have not played the game, but I like the art style.


>The /v/ guy's comment.
>I have not played the game
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Redundant information. Actually I haven't played it either.


The game puts a lot of effort into trying to show the Socio-Economic factors that play into the characters Micro level personal problems (May's Parents chimping out because they were relying on her becoming a PMC white collar to save their house from getting foreclosed / Beatrice having to wageslave basically for free at their own parents business because their mom got wrecked by US healthcare and so on / The Boomers sacrificing children to Molech because they miss the 1950s / Angus and Gregg's whole Arc revolving around their desire to leave hickville USA NOT because of Homophobia or whatever but because they realise there will literally be no livelyhood there once the last of the small business gets obliterated)

Now "Is it EssJayDubya shit" well…In some parts
But not nearly to the degree that people on /v/ / /vg/ make it out to be.
When Angus and Gregg were introduced as being gay i was also at first like "OMG Game fucking ruined just what i heard about he we go…" But No there is basically no pandering to the fact that the characters are gay outside of jokes and so on


Very decent play if you like walking simulator / VN style games
Decent messaging but everything does contain an EssJayDubya "twinge" in some way


It makes /v/ermin seethe and it's good on its own too.


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Looking at things close to your face damages eyes? My grandma knew this back in 1940.


lmaoing at everyone who fell for the vr meme


Probably same shit for electronic viewfinders on digital cameras, but it's not as intense and constant.


LMAO imagine SAO-players waking up from their shit to have literal blindness


They spy on you AND they ruin your eyes.

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Recently people like Sterling and Schreier actually made a lot of shit that actually came close to class concious. Especially about gaming escapism and the kind of "anti-political" hypocrite mentality, showing that most rightoid actually DOES want politics in their games, but their kind of politics like having CoD imperialism simulator and America wank. Like this video:
>The "it's optional" reasoning is only applicaple to consummer products like games but not the entire system of capitalism
>every criticism exist in its own bubble is practically applicabe to most defenders of neoliberalism
Why can't these people just connect the dots and see all of this is a systematic problem with capitalism itself? Or do they actually know it but choose to remain silent because themselves are afraid of alienating the normies?
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this guy gets it


you ruined /v/ and in consequence the entirety of 4chan


>says the "reddit donvote" sagefag
yeah, no you special snowflake.


Freaking liberal gaming journos amirite people?!


We get it sagefag, you like to be a contrarian, now go back to 4chan

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Was he right?
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I really do enjoy an smt post
but regarding your question then no he wasn't right per say due to the Axiom or the Great Will having perfect reason to oppose him he's basically the main villain behind everything but regarding Law vs Chaos it's very interesting


Law is fascist
There's no materialist route in smt games.


All this Law vs Chaos shit is interesting but I am absolutely clueless as to the context (Gradius)


Yes there is, it's the neutral route aka HFY.


>Я не хуя не понимаю, но очень интересно

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Thread for Undertale and Deltarune discussion! Post theories, art and bad AU's!

Official Websites:

Official Twitter (news may get posted here):

Toby's Twitlonger on Deltarune:
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I don't know how people can get off to this. At some point you should just go "Man I'm really going down a very silly path here"


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here is a thing I made a while back for artistic reference for all the different humans we have seen thus far


This makes me laugh, post more


ive just accepted it at this point


I knew a dude who could play ths game on a nintendo at the hardest level and clear it in 4 hours. He was a nice person and really soft-spoken.

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A place to discuss anything relating to or World of Warcraft. Retail, Classic, news, lore or any other topics.


bumping for kel thuzad


I fucking hate the artstyle


The Game That Killed Blizzard


Anyone else playing the new xpac? Seems to be quite well made this time.

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Why the FUCK is it so expensive?! 80 entire USD for. Is it worth it? are there any other better less expensive autism simulators out there?
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Dude there's a new board for games now. >>>/games/


Can't blame him when it's not in the topbar yet, but yeah.


Supply is infinite. Demand is low. This shit should be free were it for supply and demand.

But I got what you meant.


You should have used green and orange text


hearts of iron gang

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