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I just started playing the original Deus Ex after watching Sseth's video on it recently, and I'm hooked. I played the new games a couple years which were also great, they introduced me to Cyberpunk. Thoughts on the series?
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>>2480>They have loose threads that won't be resolved until the sequel/followup, so why do you treat Mankind Divided differently?I don't like Witcher 2, but one problem it didn't have was this one. The story within the game was done well enough that ending it on a cliffhanger didn't bother anyone. Mankind Divided dropped the ball, and very clearly for trying to squeeze as much as they could out of fans. I've only played through it twice, and in one "session" so maybe i'll lighten up on it if I ever replay it, but I don't feel an urge to. Whereas with every other game in the series I have gone back to multiple times. It wasn't awful, I had fun playing it, it just wasn't at the level of the rest of them.


>>2479>use melee weapons(aim for the back)ah fuck, never tried that. thanks for the pointer.


Does Deus Ex (2000) actually hold up? Not really speaking from a gameplay perspective which I don't care about, but more story and dialogue-wise.
From what I can gather the whole story is basically a hackeyed collection of le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories except they're TRUE :O but maybe there's more to it and it's actually worth playing. Got to Chinatown last time I played the game and I don't remember being terribly impressed, but maybe I should give it another go?


> le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories
&ltImplying this is a bad thing
X Files is the greatest show ever made, and its conspiracies are great - and frequently anti-US government.

Anyway, the story in Deus Ex is just a fun conspiracy romp. What makes it stand out is its themes. Whilst the major theme of the game is about the role of technology (e.g. as a replacement for God) it explores many more.
It's different to the later games in that it covers a very large number of themes, whilst the newer games cover a smaller number in greater depth.
There's no game like the original (and the series) so well worth playing.


>melee weapons(aim for the back
Works half of the time. HAving to save/reload every time I wanted to whack someone with a baton is why I dropped this early. Also, sleeper crossbow is completely useless because enemies stay awake for a good ten seconds during which they'll warn everyone.

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what new games or gear have you/are you getting that you're excited about?

for the first time in my life i'm going to be able to play modern games and on high settings. no more shitty laptop gaming. i can finally play GTA5, and FO4, and Witcher 3, and so so SO many more. finna catch up on the last 5-10 years of gaming.
got a dell optiplex 9020 with an i7 4790, 500gb SSD, and 1TB HDD for $250. then i got a GTX 1660 super for $250. then a 1440p 144hz monitor for $225. it's all gonna get here around the 18th.

i'm so fucking hype bros oh my god.
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I tried Eye on you guys recommended and it was the most mind numbingly tedious horseshit ever, why the fuck is every level so insanely oversized? why does it take several minutes to sprint from one side of the hub world to the other? How the FUCK does the save system even work? I’ve never played a game where I legit could not figure out how the save system even functioned before until this game.

What the fuck.


>using computers as intended is the same as sailing the seas pillaging and murdering civilians
It's copying m8s. No, being an indie dev doesn't make you any less susceptible of me copying your shit. I might buy it from you if you give me the source code.


>Muh copying
Retarded argument. Before anyone attacks me, I pirate all my shit anyway (even crap I could get for free from uni) because I don't care. The "It's just copying brah" is stupid, because it assumes the piece of media is valueless due to the ability to copy it infinately. But nonsense. Even if it was copied infinately, there are still production costs, and if they aren't covered, no one (under commodity production) would make them. Secondly, the piece of media will only get copied a relatively small number of times, not infinately. This is the reason why any non-hobbyist digital media would have to either be paid for, or taxed out of the populace.
Oh, and a good paralel to better explain what I mean - a paintings only real produce is the act of seeing the said painting, which is infinately replicable act with no labour needed to achieve, however the artist still needs bread, and the display place needs to be maintained, hence the visitor is forced to pay for a ticket, or has his taxed labour value directed towards maintanence.


It's a meme. It's a terrible, broken game with hints of a greater vision buried inside. The hypothetical game that EYE was supposed to be is amazing though. It will be made one day, assuming the world doesn't end beforehand.


This, except that I'll only willingly support the devs if I like them enough and if I have a small amount of money to waste.

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I'm a professional game dev (I do visual novels)
Would anybody be interested in a NSFW dating sim where you can choose a waifu: Stalin or Girl Stalin and steal his or her heart?
Elaborated: You are not only a worker at a train station but a revolutionary. One day, you find Stalin alone on a bench. Not recognizing him or her, you go up to them and talk to them about their troubles, and end up kissing under the moonlight. A few years later, Stalin becomes dictator of the soviet union and you recognize your old flame and decide to try your hardest to reclaim your waifu!
Please give suggestions and I'll take them into account!
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Why not a dating sim similar to that, but you can date rule 63'd versions of the rest of the Soviet leadership aswell, maybe some generals aswell?

Imagine dating a animeified-genderswapped version of Beria lmao


Girl Stalin still has the mustache.


>Genderswapped male historical figures
>Ironic VN
Cringe tbh
>dating sim
That better not be a synonym for "visual novel"

You wanna make a dating simulator, do it properly: no narration, only dialogue, dates and stats, preferably several love interests; that would be super fun and likely wouldn't get too long. Wanna make a visual novel, it's gonna have at least dozens of thousands of words and minimal gameplay, and it would honestly be more boring to read something like this with that premise. Mixing both wouldn't hurt, but in my experience, it usually doesn't go well.

My ideal would be a visual novel with romance but focused on story, taking place in the Soviet Union, with several original characters being the love interests. But I would indeed like a romance game about romancing Stalin and other high ranking officials or important people of the USSR. It would be funny if you avoid being too cringy. But why genderbend them when there are already important or famous Soviet women like Roza Shanina or Lyudmila Pavlichenko?

Hope you come back to this thread in the future and update us on your progress.



OP, I think genderswapping in this case is pretty cringe. Do Rosa instead, I hear she w-was quite d-dominant ok


Hell no.

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a reminder that GTA 4 (a 2008 game) is much better than DiaperShit 77
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>my shit game is better than your shit game
ok consoomer


>that's the joke.jpg


&ltimplying people don’t just pirate the game


kek that scene made me chuckle


Just replayed it recently. Was definitely more immersed playing it than the downgraded feel of GTA V. The early missions seem fairly plausible but towards the end it starts to just feel more of the same bullshit. Just found out on console if you squeeze the trigger it makes the reticle smaller before firing. Wish i would've known that before i beat the game because i used the AK instead of the M4 for more damage.

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Have people ever actually existed who change their mind about buying a game after reading this crap?


Reviews, or just box quotes?


Box quotes. Seriously, what kind of person does this sway?


IDK, people who aren't hardcore into gaming and don't know what's good and what's not. They wouldn't use these if they didn't work to an extent.


>They wouldn't use these if they didn't work to an extent.
You may be underestimating the depravity of marketers trying to justify their existence in life.

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Has anyone read pic related? On this note, visual novel thread~ Feel free to list recommendations and what you've read
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>whining about sage
holy reddit


>le ironic VNs

I wish imageboards weren't filled with mentally ill schizos like you.


The only schizo is you

>muh reddit
&ltusing sage as a downvote while whining about "muh board is shit" on every other board is not reddit
Ok fag


>visual novels/dating sims/otome
Is otome considered such a different genre or something? are there that many girls on this site, or is it because otome offers a different kind of experience? I would hope it's both, I feel lonely.

What you consider "generic anime style" is not clear, but if you like eroge about consent, there's an otoge called Cute Demon Crashers. As an OELVN, it also has an obligatory bisexual option. https://vndb.org/v17210
The thing is, there's very few 18+ otome games, and even fewer in English:

There's also my game


There's a VNDB thread about adding FOSS and Open Source as descriptors (separate from "Freeware") on visual novel releases in the database.

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Woul…would you play it anon?
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what has been brought upon this cursed earth?


The fuck is this?


So its a game about stalin fucking hitler?


Hell yes!


Also you get to be fucked by stalin aswell

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Who is your favourite nation in the best HOI4 total conversion? What paths do you think are best? Or anything else?

I just played through the Pax Chrystalia content last week, it was pretty fun, though I should have gone after Equestria quicker rather than taking the time to knock out all the other nations in Equus, then I would have had more options as Manehattan for expansion.

Also feel free to share any other pony related stuff, longplays, et cetera.
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Kodėl tavo bronių mod'e yra gėjiški poniai integralistai su mano šalies reakcionierių teroristų vardais ir estetika, Seimūrai?
Tai turbūt šitaip juodžkiai jaučiasi girdėdami baltus raper'ius


Because Equestria at War is essentially "My Little Pony suffers from their own WW1", and all that it entails.

Although if their is one thing that kinda should be remedied (although it mostly refers to early content), was pushing RL personalities into the mod, i.e. there is a horse Oswald Mosley, a griffon Mussolini, and Karl Marx is called Caramel Marks. The weirdest result of it is Stalin, who exists as one of the founders of Communism in the lore (as Steel Stallion, judging from the name) and as an actual leader in a peasant republic, who comes to power in completely different way opposed to RL, has two expies, and both are completely torn out their context, making their inclusion nothing more than aesthetic.


Most countries are a mishmash of cultures/histories, Longsword who I was playing as is the rough history of Nazi-occupied Lithuania, with names/locations based on Finnish. Apparently.

To be more exact, Equus is more analogous to WW2, with Olenia representing France/Czechoslovakia/Poland and Equestria as the USSR, whereas the conflicts on Griffonia are somewhat analogous to victorian-WW1 era wars of conquest with various other stuff thrown in.


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My little momdom tyrant can't be this cute!


It's pretty popular on /vst/ though

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Which switch games should I get?
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Hol up… Are you saying Pokemon has been remade [b]two[/b] times now? I was not aware of this absolute creativity vacuum.


What are the chances of random Japanese otome games for the Switch being uploaded online? I still haven't downloaded a Switch emulator so I have no idea how many pirated games there are. But there's an upcoming game I really want and it's a Japan-only Switch exclusive. Depending on the answer I might have to somehow import the cartridge in the future and share the game myself if it's even released physical.

And it was basically just made to complement Pokémon GO. Not only that, but it's lacking things from Yellow and FRLG (reminiscent of ORAS disappointment). As a coomer I would only play it because of the updated trainer designs.


Only plan on buying one once Metroid Prime 4 comes out


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>>6767 (me)
>Mention Rock of Ages in this post
>Google its OST because its just that good
>Turns out there is RoA3
>Check my pirate site
>There are no seeds anymore because no one downloaded it
Fuck this gay Earth



OP here, I'm using atmosphere, never used anything else

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I really don't think I'm smart but surely the public isn't this retarded?
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Wasn't me, I think you should be getting mad at this poster: >>6474


>tabletop games arent "real games"
>vidya based on tabletop games arent "real games" either


>become a disaster zone when transplanted to singleplayer game contexts.
Yeah except they dont, lol.


Do you have an argument?


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we gained alot

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